- The Dreaded 13th Spell: Can the spell be cast on infantry units that house larger models (such as Slann with guard or the clanrat unit pushing a Screaming Bell)? If so, what happens to the differing model if there enough transformations to cover the entire unit?
- Banner of Verminous Scurrying: When does the triple paced movement conferred by the banner take place?
- Warlord War-Litter: What size base should the war-litter use? Can the war-litter join units? If so, does it count as two models wide for purposes of rank width? What is its unit strength?
- Are Warpstone Tokens really not "one use only"? If they are, why give characters multiple tokens to start?
- Can plague priests use warpstone tokens?
- Is the Storm Banner really not "one use only"?
- Are Master Moulders required to be in the front rank of a Rat Ogre unit, since they are in all respects a unit champion? If so, how does the mix of 20mm and 40mm bases affect ranks?
- When adding packmasters to a unit of giant rats / rat ogres, can an additional packmaster be added to a unit 5 rats / 2 rat ogres or does that unit have to be 10 rats / 4 rat ogres before a second packmaster can be added?
Wizarding Lookout
*Town Wizard's Tower*
*28mm scale*
*"Knock, loudly."*
Not every student of the magic arts dwells in a cryptic spire the
mountains, or a guarded dungeo...
2 months ago
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