Thursday, July 14, 2011

Weekly Hobby Update - Magnification!

Just Jimmy and me for hobbying tonight.
I finally took some pics of what Jimmy has been working on....

But first! Magnification!
 I don't use the LED lights because they are oddly blue colored.
This is the magnification headset that Jimmy gave me last week.  This week I used it to refine the painting on the Malifaux fig "Mortimer, the Grave Digger."

Results are below.

BEFORE, without magnification... not terrible
from a distance but less than awesome up close.

AFTER, lots of touch ups with the magnification lenses on.
The focus is a little softer but I hope the improvement is evident.

And here is the updated Kroot-a-saurus.

Now with more gunners!

Detail of the gunner and his awesome expression.

This side still needs its gun sponson thing.

Also, the Chaos Kroot tank.  His Kroot are Tzeentch-leaning.  Shapers / Change... it makes sense.

Captain Kroot is very enthusiastic about change.

And I worked on Nicodem a little too.  Pimptastic.

I thought the purple was kind of original until I saw that the
picture of Nicodem in the new rulebook has him purple.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Yay! Mommy's Violent!

I watched the first episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day this past Friday, and a couple more times since then.  This moment, from about 45 minutes in, cracked me up.
Actually, Stef noticed the baby and pointed it out to me.  DVR rewind, and hey!  Check that out!  Those fake gunshots must not be very loud or I'm guessing baby would be freaking out, even with cute little earmuffs.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Some of this content has been used without permission of its author.  It's for his own good.
See what I'm saying?  Seriously a threat that we can't afford to ignore.  Sure it's expensive to attack distant astronomical things, but just for a moment think of the cost of not attacking them.

Two ring nebulas, two veil nebulas (ok ok, nebulae senior Latin) and part of an hourglass nebula.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Bored Children and Crooked Men

 My daughters had been excited to go with me to play Malifaux on Tuesday night.  A week ago I took Sarah with me, and she was less than impressed.  I wanted her to watch the game, to get a feel for the rhythm and etiquette, but it was just boring to her after about 1/3 of the way through.  As evidence, I present my defaced army list, printed from the very useful Ratty's Malifaux Crew Builder.  One of my "Canine Remains" is a tiny Reaper pug familiar.  Sarah is rather enamored of it, hence the "little pug" homage.  When she was not doodling she was playing games on my phone.  My battle report is here.

Hobby night was not productive for me.  I spent most of the time helping Jimmy craft a letter of recommendation for someone to sign or downloading things for him, which did not go well since our DSL was acting poorly.  Jimmy meanwhile worked on Kroot-o-saurus some more.  Mike and Seth worked on.... you know, I can't remember what they worked on.  huh.  I didn't pick up a paint brush.  Just one of those nights for me.

I did, however, take part of last night to bang out a "Crooked Man" for my Malifaux crew.  He's basically an undead miner.  I used a bunch of game-quality techniques.  I don't know... the paint just wasn't talking to me but I felt like I had to put some paint on something.  Here he is, in a very small, poorly lit photo because I don't want to expose him to much scrutiny.
Tonight is Malifaux again.  My other daughter, having heard from the first how boring it is, opted not to go.  At least I won't have to feel guilty about her having a terrible time.