Last night I forced myself to do what I had been dreading.... paint shields. As part of Bill's Dwarf army I am painting 32 warriors and 13 Iron Breakers, all models on foot with shields. I truly enjoy painting faces and belts and chainmail and what not, but shields have always been tedious for me. I end up spending far less time on them than I should considering how much of the visual space of the model they take up. In any case, I got all 13 Iron Breakers beshielded and got all 32 warrior shields mostly colored. I still need to do the metal edges on the warrior shields, but the hard parts are already done. Whew.
Seeing the Iron Breakers all lined up was encouraging. A fully painted ranked unit is impressive, and the IB's are all shiny in their blue-tinted silver and gold armor. It has me excited to paint more warriors at this point, since I haven't gotten a full unit of them completed yet.
The UE painting competition is still open to entries until May 7, so I have to wait another three days before I can post pics here of my entry. The official thread for the competition entries is >>here<< and the three entries are quite interesting.
Wizarding Lookout
*Town Wizard's Tower*
*28mm scale*
*"Knock, loudly."*
Not every student of the magic arts dwells in a cryptic spire the
mountains, or a guarded dungeo...
1 month ago
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