I don't curse the name of GW for closing the store. Michigan has a terrible economic slump right now. Several of the stores in the same complex have closed in the past year alone, including the pet store right next door. There are other game stores around here, but I don't know of any as nicely accoutremented as a GW store. Most stick gamers in the back of the store (or worse) on folding tables with crumbling terrain, poor lighting, and no place to paint. FLGS be aware, after Paint Creek Crossing the ante has been raised. Give me a decent place to play and I will buy things at your store.
Another thing that occurred to me is that I entered my first painting competition at this store, and displayed my Golden Demon winning model there as well. If I compete now I don't really feel like I have a home store with whom to share my triumph. (Side note, I'm really hoping that one year from now Ang will be able to have a fantastic store running.)
So farewell Paint Creek store. You were great fun at times, and you were craptastic at times, but you will be the metric upon which I measure all other game stores.
(above: moving terrain boards and tables around to look for anything that might have gotten lost. You have to admit, that's a cool environment with all the wall art and flags.)
GW will ofcourse say that they were merger the store with another one like they told me when I was in the Novi store 2 weeks ago. Ofcourse instead of merging the Novi and Paint Creek stores to keep one, they closed both and kept the great lakes crossing and Rochester hills stores open. Ofcourse those two stores are 75-90 minutes from the Ann Arbor Area(within about 20 minutes of each other though) while the two closed stores are near Ann Arbor or only about 30 minutes away.
ReplyDeleteI personally never really like GW stores for the cramped space, over eager sales force, and constant upselling. I like the Labrynth in Down town Ann Arbor but it is certain Dark and the tables are in the back but the people are generally nice and they have store armies that regulars can borrow pieces from for games. Hopefully they can get some events back on the schedule now that christmas break is over for the college kids.