I'm rethinking my choices for the intro game. The prior list had a lot of destructive power to it in the form of magic and Skryre craziness. I think I'm going to reshape the list into something a little more ... mundane.
Warlord on Rat Ogre Bonebreaker, shield @ 151
Warlock Engineer, lvl 2, Warp Energy Condenser, Foul Pendant @ 150
25 Clanrats w/ full command, shield @ 133
25 Clanrats w/ full command, shield @ 133
25 Clanrats w/ full command, shield, spears @ 145
20 Skavenslaves w/ musician @ 42
20 Skavenslaves w/ musician @ 42
20 Skavenslaves w/ musician @ 42
3 Rat Ogres, inc. Master-bred and 2 packmasters @ 158
995 points, 142 bases
Again, the goal is a fun intro game. I have no interest in utterly destroying in someone's first game. With this list it will be much more a test of numbers vs. super-chaos-choppity. The Foul Pendant is more to protect the engineer from himself than anything else. I lose more engineers to my own Warp Lightning than to the enemy.
Another fellow may be bringing 1k of ... something. Not sure yet. Lizardmen? Vampire Counts? He has an army of Lizardmen that he has converted to look undead that he plans on playing as either, so we'll see what (if anything) he brings along.
Wizarding Lookout
*Town Wizard's Tower*
*28mm scale*
*"Knock, loudly."*
Not every student of the magic arts dwells in a cryptic spire the
mountains, or a guarded dungeo...
2 months ago
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