Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Matt's Nids... Test Model

Primed black, heavy overbrush of Calthan Brown
Overbrush Dheneb Stone
Gryphonne Sepia wash
Bleached Bone on flesh areas, mostly ridges. I didn't read the instructions closely enough and started painting bone on the carapace. That's corrected a couple steps from now.
Highlight same areas w/ 50/50 bleached bone / skull white
Mordian Blue base
Stripes of enchanted blue
Highlight strips with 50/50 ice blue/enchanted blue
Joints, eyes, openings to fleshy areas: base lich purple. Highlight warlock purple. Also added skull white to teeth and small specular to eyes.


  1. Looks good.

    Santa Cruz Warhammer

  2. How many more do you have to paint? :-D

  3. @Muskie: 15 hgaunts, 12 tgaunts. It was a trade, I got a bunch of Eldar and he gets his gaunts painted.


I had to add anti-spam measures because, let's face it, almost nobody comments on blogs anymore unless they are spamming. Sorry.