Friday, March 07, 2008

Sit Deep

Alright, people. Sit back and groove for a minute.

There now. Isn't that better.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Gary Gygax

Gary Gygax, one of the creators of Dungeons and Dragons, has died. I'm saddened, as D&D shaped me a great deal as an adolescent and I have always inexorably connected him with the game. Say what you will about the pros and cons of role playing, and of this game specifically, but I loved it.

I was at the forums over at Troll Lord Games to read some tribute posts when I came across >>this<<.

One day, I'm gonna give that guy a big hug.

Monday, March 03, 2008

My New Favorite Brush: W&N S7 size 1

I bought my first size 1 Winsor and Newton Series 7 Miniature brush last week. I am amazed at how much I like using it.

The impetus for the purchase was the amazing tutorial over at in which Laurent Esposito uses a much larger brush than I expected for much of his work. (By the way, I cannot recommend this tutorial enough. The camera work is absolutely amazing.) I decided to give a larger brush a go to try and mimic some of his techniques. Wow! It holds so much paint, but still has that razor tip! I love it!

I picked up a series 7 size 0 and a series 7 miniature size 0 to list on my ebay store, but neither has sold despite the fact that they are the only w&n s7 size 0 brushes on all of ebay.

Oh, did I mention how disillusioned I am with ebay? A $138 sale incurs $15.44 in fees (between ebay fees and paypal fees.) A direct credit card sale with a merchant account would be around $2.76. Argh. They do get their pound of flesh, don't they?