Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Election Day

Hooray! The day is finally here when Americans of all status, creed and legal voting status get to choose which political party will lead Our Great Nation into a shiny future of hope and prosperity and reject the one that will lead us down the path of destruction into servitude and the abandonment of everything we hold dear. Choose wisely, voter. It's only paradise or complete societal breakdown at stake. No pressure.

And if you want to know who wins, the Gregory Brothers already prognosticated the outcome:


  1. I am a little late to the party, but I want to announce my canidacy for President. My platform is I will give power back to the states, and abolish the IRS. On everything else, they will work themselves out...a cereal in every bowl, and a Ramen for every lunch.

    So be sure to vote for Auberoun. A vote for Auberoun is a vote for the future!

  2. "It's only paradise or complete societal breakdown at stake." Haha, I like this one. I did my part, remember, service means citizenship.


I had to add anti-spam measures because, let's face it, almost nobody comments on blogs anymore unless they are spamming. Sorry.