Wednesday, October 02, 2013

In Threes, You Say?

Michael Crichton
Born: October 23, 1942
Died: November 4, 2008
Age of death: 66
Well, he did as it turns out. We didn't. 

Tom Clancy
Born: April 12, 1947
Died: October 1, 2013
Age of death: 66
Fairly safe to assume.

Stephen King
Born: September 21, 1947
Current Age: 66 (for the next 354 days anyway)

Shut up, Wystan.
Nobody cares about you.


  1. GRR Martin is like 65 so next year he could be the one.

  2. Holy Christ Mike, I can't believe you went there :)

  3. Stephen King is _not_ going to die this year. He's like that mouse in The Green Mile. Sheesh.


I had to add anti-spam measures because, let's face it, almost nobody comments on blogs anymore unless they are spamming. Sorry.