Monday, April 01, 2013

The $5 Nurgle Fury Unit

I have been playing around with Chaos Daemons, more from a fun approach than a game approach. There is a local novelty store across the street from The Model Cave, so I decided to see what they had in terms of a fly for a fury proxy.
As it turns out, the plastic flies they had were pretty much perfect and I bought a full unit's worth for $5. To bulk them up a little and give someplace to put the brass rod I added some black milliput to the abdominal cavity. The paint job is mostly Nurgling Green drybrushing, with some of a lighter green too (the name of which I can't remember.) Tamiya clear yellow (thank you, Javi!) was used to tint the wings. The eyes are Vallejo air color silver (my single favorite brush on silver of all time) with a coat of Tamiya clear yellow over it, then a green wash on the bottom half of the eyes. The legs are not changed. 

A base, a little cork and some Vallejo plastic putty snow later we have a full unit of these pretties.


  1. Pure awesomeness... wings+eyes=epic win!

    Those would look amazing swarming, like let's say 3 on the same base, if you find different sized ones.

    Vallejo Air Color silver became my fave so far too, so thanks for the advice. I have to admit I'd but crap-in-a-bottle if you said it's a good proxy for devlan mud or something.

    I can't wait to see more "cheap toys" kitbashed and other great inspiring ideas... BTW, was the krootasaur finished and posted ? May I've missed it...

    1. Thanks! Considering your comment on what I used for the Ork Warboss basing a few posts back I have no doubt about the Devlan Mud proxy. The Krootosaurus hasn't been back to hobby night in a while. I'll ask Jimmy what's going on with it. He's been bringing his hundreds of Clix figures and methodically removing the Clix base and putting them on GW bases for RPG sessions.

    2. yup, while I'll bite on anything you'd reccomend I'm not quite sure about your "snow" basing effects :p maybe it's just the pics.

    3. Yeah, I really want to do effective snow... and it's pretty clear I'm not there yet. One day I'll come up with the right alchemy and update these. The recipe I was using turns yellow over time, so I'm experimenting.

    4. I'm no expert here, but once upon a time ( ) long ago, I gave snow a try using Vallejo Extra Heavy Gel. That's kinda transparent effect that can be slighly poked to create texture and once fully cured drybrushed white,a final extra layer or maybe glossy finish made it look moist.

      Sadly vallejo heavy gel comes in reaaly big pots being like $10, too much to "give it a try" as it might not work for everyone.

  2. That looks pretty good! Any issues with paint not sticking to the plastic? That's what I always worry about with things like this.

    1. They took paint well, and I've noticed most toys like this do. This was just paint directly on the soft plastic with no primer. I have something else I've been working on (I'll post when it's done) that had no issues at all, although I did brush on primer first. Only highly polished surfaces (e.g. Lego) tend to be hard to work with.

  3. matt varnish can be used as primmer for plastic figures as it's thin and clear.


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