I haven't posted pics on the blogs in a while, mostly because our newer camera is missing again. I managed to get the eight year old camera and find a huge 16 MB card for it and get this pic. Why I chose a new conversion over other models I've been dying to photograph is beyond me. I have painted Bonesingers and warlocks in progress for a conversion job. I have desperately wanted to photograph and post Matt's huge Tyranid thing that is giving birth to a swarm of rippers. But, no. I take one pic and then life get back in the way.... well, enjoy this one anyway.
On a separate note, here are some minis I converted up a while ago but have never painted yet. You should be able to identify the components, but I'm fairly happy with how they came together. I was on a bit of a magnet kick, so excuse the minis with different magnetized options shown as different pics.
Very Cool! Damn Shame they're a dying race :)