With hotel paid for, tickets in-hand and entries taking shape, it's time to start the list of things to do before Chicago Games Day.
- finish base colors on marine
- battle damage on marine
- finish banshee
- snow
- riding crop
- touch up freehand
- shell casing
LotR Shaman:
- redo eyes
- armor improvements
- weapon OSL
- finish pilot
- improve wood grain
- basing shrubs / figure
Skaven Warlord:
- trophy rack
- long grass on base
- fungus on base
- improve skulls on back
Warmaster Skaven (not looking quite so likely)
- Finish Eshin base
- Entire Moulder base
- Entire Skryre base
- Entire Warlord base
- Entire Pestilens base
Even with six categories I realize that I am likely to walk away with a couple honorable mentions at best, which is a little depressing. I find myself intimidated by things like
this. I just don't feel like I can match that level of quality, and it's hard to say I'm seriously contending for trophies when I keep seeing minis that are
out of my league, so to speak. I don't want to win a trophy because some category was poorly represented on a given year. I want to win because I painted a world class mini. I'm just not sure I'm there yet.
how on earth can you get this all done and still get caught up with Doctor Who in time? I just don't know...