Monday, September 11, 2006


Each night my wife sings "Good Night, My Someone" to my 2-year old son while he rests his head on her shoulder. He sings back, mostly in sounds rather than words.

It is absolutely the sweetest thing.


The Circle of Orboros box has a 7.1 on CMON, tying for the best mini I've done. I'm pleased.

1 comment:

  1. For me and my niece Emma, it's a song I made up to the melody for Lullabye and Goodnight:

    Emma Jane, Emma Jane,
    It is time to get sleepy
    Emma Jane, Emma Jane,
    It is time to go to sleep.
    Oh your mommy and daddy
    And brothers all love you
    So good night, Emma Jane
    It is time to go sleep.


I had to add anti-spam measures because, let's face it, almost nobody comments on blogs anymore unless they are spamming. Sorry.