Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Bruno! Gobbos! Cupcakes!

You may recall that I was a little miffed recently that I never received my Pirate Gobbos from an IndieGogo campaign a while back. On July 1, I received an unexpected email from the campaign originator, Bruno Galice.
Hi Mike,
The Post Office did return me a whole shipping I did last year (that's more than 90 miniatures sets in more than 60 parcel/letters...) that was somehow lost by them, yours was in, I just resend it to you this morning. I hope you'll receive it !
Keep me posted !
Could it be? Will I finally receive my gobbos? I was cautiously optimistic, but after all the prior near-misses I wasn't exactly excited. A mere six days later I received a padded envelope!
The infamous "box from France" wasn't a box at all!

Inside was the promised two sets of gobbos, along with three sets of gobbo dice (one more than expected!)

The figures themselves look great, and the resin bases are perfectly suited to them.

And now, as promised on the comments of the last post, here is an original illustration of Bruno Galice being wonderful. He is delivering cupcakes to orphans. Spread that joy, Bruno.

Bruno Galice delivering cupcakes to orphans. 1/1